Feb 8, 2024- So I took some pictures recently at the food hall at 100 High St in Boston. I was tagging along with my wife at an urban sketchers meetup, and she suggested since there were dining and drink options I come along. I have been upset at the lack of advanced image format support on Squarespace….but I can’t find anything other host that supports AVIF and HDR photo formats!!!! So, rather than use just the photo gallery page, I am trying to host the JPG but less details and less colorful shots here with a link to a dropbox folder for those photo-nerd and photo-curious types willing to spend an extra microsecond….

Clicking the link at the end the description will open a new window and depending on your browser, your should see a AVIF format HDR version of the image. IT CAN TAKE SOME TIME TO LOAD AND DISPLAY. And of course, you need to have a an HDR capable screen….so far it works on MacOS/Safari, MacOS/Preview, MacOS/Chroms and iPhone 12 Pro.

Even then the HDR output is unstable and the Sugar Skulls ends up with a BLUE cast I can’t control……..hears to hoping for more HDR support.

  • Paul