Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
Sunset first evening
La Sentinelle de Port Blanc
A classic shot but the light was good and rich, the sky beautiful and the focus was sharp.
Catamaran Port Blanc
Not a great shot, focus was ok….
Yes, a lot of manipulation. Too bad! Rainbow war with Dominique!
Seagull gliding
I finally got the camera in high speed, the proper follow object autofocus mode and was ready when this guy came by - I had missed him multiple times with the camera in some weird setting…
Seagull gliding, earlier in sequence
One of the few from earlier in the sequence where the Fuji autofocus locked on properly…
Little flowers with Dominique in background
She likes this one better than the other one with her in focus….and no, the sky doesn’t come off the camera like that…
What? No! My hair!
Dominique in focus with little flowers fuzzed out…you can see how windy it was.
Seaweed on rock, low tide
I liked the light and texture. I had to get with my face in the sand to shoot this low. The LCD screen rotates but the sunlight overhead was so strong I couldn’t use it….
Little flowers on a rocky outcropping
The shore is littered with rocky outcroppings that become islands at high tide.
I believe that is the proper spelling for them in French. agapanthus in English.
In camera Panaroma
First in camera panorama on the X-T4. Not bad. Would be a lot easier with the tripod I brought….
Merchant's home, 19th century, Treguier
An architecturally weird little home in Treguier, completely out of character for Brittany, more like a Belgian home.
Marie Paule's old outbuilding
We stopped for lunch in Liffre at Marie Paule and Roland’s. I always want to capture this building but I fail to. I need a wide angle lens and no jet lag.
Dominique and Marie Paule
Talking like they don’t see me taking a picture….
Old mud wall with abandoned well
This shot was trying to get the apeture and light level correct so the whole thing would be in focus. I think it worked. Liffre during our lunch.
Old well, Liffre
The light was tremendous and the texture of the old wood stunning
Mami Kiki et Louis
Le cousine, grand mere plusier fois, avec Louis sur ses genoux.
Kiki et Louis, 2
Kiki et Louis, 3
Kiki et Louis, 4
Louis et son père Antoine, 1
Louis et son père, Antoine, 2
I like this one, the little boy has his hands clenched, very determine to catch his father.
Son pere lui présente la balle a Louis
Lisa dans le soleil
She saw me focussing and suddenly changed he smile in the next photo
Lisa dans le soleil , 2
After she changed her smile….
Port Blanc, village, rue de Jean Guénno
Quai de Port Blanc, catamarans
Field of corn / Champs de maïs, Rue de St Gonval
I liked the color of the sunlight on the corn. The corn field is much higher up than the roadway / La couleur et lumiere soleil sur le maïs. Le champs est plus haut que la route.
Chemin Creux, après Impasse de Moulin de la Comtesse
Les cedres de Port Blanc
The color and the light of trees and sky are hard to photograph. The sky is either too bright or the trees too dark or both! A friend said to learn how to do exposure brackets to combine later in software, mimicking better how the human brain changes the light we perceive to dim the bright sky and brighten the gloomy trees. This is one of my first successful AE brackets with a merge in Lightroom. / Trop technique pour explique en francais pour moi, cette image est une produit d’une fusion par logiciel de plusiers images.
Le semaphore de Port Blanc
Bracket shot.
Sailboat off / Voiliers au large de Îles Saint-Gildas
Buguélès et la baie de Pellinec vu de / seen from Port de Peche, Port Blanc
Dominique dans le chemin de douanières
Bracket shots with humans are rarely successful since they move between the shots no matter how fast I am shooting. This worked well, allowing me to capture my subject crisply and the rich bright sky and flowers of the darker chemin.
Composite shot of trees lit by sun
Trees lit by the sun along the chemin de douanieres has been a challenge shot for me for a few years…..I like the light on this one. AE bracket (three images, -2,0,+2 stops, Lightroom HDR merge - photoshop merge has more control but for most shots I find it overkill until I can get a faster Mac Pro with a spare $10K :-).
Yawn...more gorgeous Britany light / Encore, la belle lumiere bréton
Bréttonant, non?
Dominique et Anne Cecile a Rochanic, Port Blank
I took this one walking across the main square in Penvenan. I lucked out and had the camera settings and focus in time for the hats! Totally random group of people, I don’t know them.
Chapelle de Saint Gonval
Chappell de St Gonval
Marée bas, Anse de Pellinec
Quel que choses manque dans le photo…….le vieux bateau qui a coulee dupuis 30 ans…..a disparu complètement! Aucune trace n’y reste.