Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
Ice sculpture
Done for the raw bar display.
Rameseier bottle - Dad and Cashman tried to import this Swiss apple cider in the 80’s, I found a vintage bottle on ebay for the display.
Dad’s career in law was built on construction law so we made a quite literal display of the MGL law books, C149 in particular.
A favorite remark of Dad’s when asked where he obtained his law degree was that an aunt of my mom’s sent him a check for $37 and a matchbook cover for Lasalle University, so we though we memorialize this achievement with an actual vintage matchbook.
Battle of Grape Island
Dad has been getting the town of Hingham to celebrate the Battle of Grape Island, so we decided to built a small display.
Battle of Kursk
Military history and battles are something my father loves to read about and he retains a vast knowledge of historical battles. I wanted to do a battle from Rommel in North Africa…but could not find the suitable tanks and so forth, so I decided the largest tank battle in history (to date) would have to do. I made trading cards for the generals on both sides (those whose images I could find).
That Cake!
Montillio’s did a VIP cake that went WAY beyond anything I expected.
Yup, I think he was surprised….
Detail of Whaler from cake
Watch out for the shark!
Detail from the cake…..amazing little details… the rocks…..
Blah, blah, blah!
Here is the essence of the cake….my dad in his BMW cruising between golfing, skiing, cycling, swimming, and boating…..all in one day…..while racking up more cellphone minutes than a preteen!
Skiing, family, football
We made some displays of vintage ski trail maps I found online for the hills we grew up skiing with our Dad…Quechee Lakes, Suicide Six, and his favorite Gunstock. A few nods to his grandfathers cities (crest of Monte San Biagio, the city of Mardin for his maternal grandfather). And we did up some replica jersey’s for his highschool (Hingham) and Park League (BIlly’s Saloon Cowboys from Hyde Park) along with photos I found online for both teams.