Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
"Bon 70e Jean Michel, que l'aventure continue...", December 2020
A quick one evening work she did for the 70th birthday of Jean Michel Pichereau, an old friend from her days in Ontario and Montreal. We could not attend due to the COVID 19 border closures, his son, Damian, asked Dominique for old photos and some kind of a drawing. This depicts JM origins in France, then onto Lousiana (alligators and fiddles), the CN tower and days at the Toronto French School (Yahtzee dice, canning in Algoquin Park, sky disasters), the Stade Olympique in Montreal, then family and time in Africa (Guinea-Conakry), teaching which was always JM metier, then retirement at the chalet on the lake and his volunteer teaching in Guatemala …
Wellesley Park lamp post, detail for Holiday card, December 2020
One of five details created for our holiday card 2020, mainly executed while on vacation in early December in Vail, CO .
Snowman, Colorado scarf and COVID-19 mask, detail, holiday card, 2020
Realized in Vail, she referenced the stay with the Colorado symbol on the scarf and the difficult year COVID19 struck worldwide with the mask.
Wellesley Park Heron Statue, detail for holiday card, 2020
The Heron statue in the middle of Wellesley Park is a favorite and is featured in one her first drawings she made while here in Wellesley Park in 2016. Here she reprises the statue, this time covered in snow, using a blue ink pen to good effect. A study, perhaps, for our future holiday book about Buffy the Little Dragon and her brother Fido’s magical holiday adventure???? TBD…..
Christmas lights on aspen tree, detail for holiday card, 2020
Realized from a photo of a string of lights on an aspen tree in Vail village.
Small bird nestling on pine cone, detail, holiday card 2020
Not strictly realized for the holiday card, this was an experiment using different size and shaped pens from her normal super small Microns. Thicker, more wedge shaped than her normal super fine line work.
"Untitled", Wellesley Park at Night, 2019
Pen and ink, a Wellesley Park gas lamppost illuminated at the center as bats wheel around the light, the post base surround by a hungry looking menagerie of carnivorous plants. Unsigned and untitled as December 2020, this scan was made in preparation for a Jan 2021 showing that never happened at the Home.stead Cafe because of the COVID19 shutdowns.
"Valentine's Day", 2019
Signed and dated, pen and ink with color wash, depicting the love affair between a giant octopus and the Dorchester gas tank with it’s colors.
"Porte Medivale", January 2020
Pen and ink sketch of a hutch door that was originally at her parents in Brittany, which is now in Wellesley Park Dorchester. Sketched for an urban sketchers Boston weekly.
Bird ornament, October 9, 2019
Better version (I am learning to photograph art, this one still has a greenish cast but better lighting overall) of a pen and ink from her sketchbook, done with a new larger size pen. Stroke size and style is different than her usual tiny etching style lines. The object is small ornament she likes.
"Baobab Tree", October 23, 2019
I don’t know precisely why she sketched a baobab tree….
"Thistle House, Melville Park", October 27, 2019
Her favorite house in Melville Park area where we are living, a house with Giant thistles, which served as an inspiration for the thistle ornamental plaque we designed and had made and installed on the Wellesley Park home a few years back.
Untitled, Robot on lunar surface with blue background, June 18, 2020
A new find were these ink pens from Faber Castell. One of her early sketches incorporating these new sources.
"Anthromorphising Leah's poppies", June 19, 2020
More like anthropomorphizing, the neighbors poppies having a confab, some of them are none toon happy with the conversation.
"Allium S", July 10, 2020
More Faber Castell ink pens, this time a garden favorite, alliums just before they flowered (or is it after and these are the seed pods?). Yellow and green ink pen over black ink sketch.
"Wellesley Park", July 17, 2020
A multicolor ink pen, green, yellow, blue and pink with dabs of white ink. More impressionistic strokes or pointillist?? Figure is the central heron statue in Wellesley Park.
"Random New England Lighthouse", July 20, 2020
Blue and grey ink sky behind a large full moon framing a prototypical lighthouse in New England.
"Cherry Tomotoes", July 25, 2020
Colored pencil.
"Pine Cone", July 28, 2020
I brought her back some pine cones, I think I was walking somewhere (or was I biking, I cannot remember). Lots of color and texture form the ink pens with dashes of white. She was very happy with this one.
"Izzie's Chicken Coop", September 1, 2020
A sketch while visiting our friend Izzy, we won’t say exactly where because chickens are not quite permitted….
"Wilson's nest", September 10, 2020
Wellesley Park neighbors Stacey Lynn and Mike’s son has a little toddler sized raised bed garden installed on the sidewalk out in front of their home. Francois Bernarde (a friend) maintains there properties gardens and horticultural displays and rotates different dioramas with the season in the garden. Pen and ink with blue pen for the robins egg.
"Maple seeds from the backyard", October 19, 2020 (left) and "Leaves from the corner of Penhallow & Mather", October 6, 2020
Two on a single page, all in ink pens of autumnal colors - reds browns, sepias, yellows and greens.
"Common milkweed seeds from Tremlett", October 11, 2020
Another fall find during a Covid 19 walk around the neighborhood. Milkweed has a prominent part of her garden, both for the form, the seeds, and the importance to pollinators like monarch butterflies. I believe this inked (in green, yellow an browns) was a particular favorite because of the white ink used to capture the fluffy cottony seeds emerging from the pods.
Happy Holidays 2021/2022
Peabody Square Firestation USK December 2022
Red Palett USK January 16 2022