Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
Cafe Pesked, a favorite restaurant in La Roche Jaune, after a day in Treguier.
Subin, Jihoon and Hugo asking a question inside the Cathedrale de Treguier….well, Hugo was asking since it is a French speaking country….
Subin posing for a portrait in Abbaye (I think) or at least the courtyard of the Treguier Cathedrale
We did competing selfies for the kids.
Tiny figure, a merman/maid, a shutter holdback.
Treguier has a decent gothic cathedral, especially considering how remote Brittany was in the 13th - 16th century. There is an older Norman/Roman style square tower dating from when it was a more defensive church, around 10-11th century.
Beautiful, the stonework is old but the glass is modern 19th century.
One of my favorite shots of the summer, with a little enhancement top pop the light cast onto the stone.
The patron saint had something to do with law and lawyers.
Left to right - Hugo, Subin, Jihoon, Roland, Marie-Paule, Philippe, Dominique and me - Sylvia sneaked away…..
Sylvie, Philippe and Roland in a candid unposed shot.
Jihoon, Hugo and Subin in a not so candid shot.
This is one of my favorite shots from the summer 2019.
These little flowers grow everywhere in the cracks in the rocks. This little house is just beneath the rocks on which sit the Chapelle de Port Blanc.
Probably should go on instagram feed but I am all social mediaed out.
Tranquil galets, nestled together, tossed by tempests, a beach gathers.