Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
Madrid block
Typical apartment block with balconies and glass enclosures
Plaza Mejor
Central square viewed from the arcade, I think the Arcos de Confreros
Church of St Gines
Viewed from Calle de Bordadeors, notice the brick, seems to be the principle material in Madrid buildings and foundations, often hidden under stucco.
Iglesia Catedral de las Fuerzas Armadas
Another church not far from the Palace. The memorial to Ana de Mendoza is across the streeet.
Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande
This is a mid street shot from the Carrera de San Francisco. I paused in the cross walk to grab the shot.
Fountain fish head spigot detail
A closeup shot of a public fountain for drinking water and tidying up....plaza de la Cebada and I think its considered a sculpture
Take the Topo critter
No idea, there is guerilla street art all over, sometimes its tagging, mainly it graffiti, often official looking muralists and sometimes, neat little things like this. Like the rest of the world these days, seems to be an instagram thing.
Flamenco finale flourish
Each of the principal dancers
Flamenco in red, whirrling dervish
Flamenco seduction
Not the best photgraph techincally, I like the teasing dancer and genunine smiles of the artists
Sunset, madrid
A sunset viewed down an old madrid street
Tulips at Madrid Botanical Garden
A cold April, not much was in bloom in the garden beyond tulips, irises and a few early peonies.
Smiling Dominique
Smiling because she is doing a favorite activity, looking at plants and flowers at the Madrid Botanical Garden.
Bonsai in a row
I like this photo, most people I have shown it to think its boring.
Bonsai forest
People like this for the composition but it leaves me kind of flat
Anticipation at Casa Gonzalez
Dominique thinking of all the wonderful sausages coming....
Hiperreal at the Thyssen "Van Eyck"
This is from the 15th century, broke the fake painted frame so convincgly you thought you could put your fingures around. And the mirrored background is part of the painting. Astounding, there was more advanced technique from 20th century photo tracers but nothing approached the power and emotion of Jan Van Eyck.
Puerta de Toledo
Catedral de la Almudena
We walked up from the lower city, which presented a much better view of the cathedral, The old stone wall just at the bottom is the remains of an older mosque....
Catedral de la Almudena in pink
The cathedral framed by pink blooms....
Catedral de la Almudena
Sunburst over Royale Palace
I followed the shadow outline on the pavement to find where to stand an aim my camera for a sunburst.
Temple of Debod
An ancient Egyptian temple, donated to Spain, this temple was going to be flooded by the Aswan Dam.
A Madrid Postcard
A postcard perfect pic, angle, light. The Royal Palace and the Catedral.
Tiled roof of the Carmelites
Tile, wonderful tile, everywhere. This neo-moorish roof of a cupola of Iglesia de Santa Teresa y San José (Padres Carmelitas). Wow.
Fire Sale!
I love this picture. Taken from across the street, I really tried to get the focus INSIDE and not on the glass. I think I did really well and everyting is super vibrant and crisp and I didnt even notice the greenery from the park mirrored in the display until I got the picture off the camera.
Bird on the Manzanares
We took a walk along the reclaimed river that is the source of Madrid's origins- it means "source/water" ("madrice") which became the moorish "magrite" in the 8th century. Madrid was the intermediate term between the Christians who took over and the Moors. I do not think the bird gives a shit.
Up from Lavapies
Lavapies, literally "wash feet", an older poorer neighborhood down the hill from the posher quarters.In the rain, the waste water from on high, would flow down hill through the tight streets to the Lavapies quarter.
Museo Sorolla - Mirrored
A reflection on art in a camera. Nice meta viewing. Is a digital facsimile of a mirrored reflection of a painting worth looking at? Oh wait, whose that? Ahhhh.......
Museo Sorolla - Painters box
So, for those still awake, I did NOTHING to this photo. Maybe a petit crop, oui? This is M. Sorolla's paint box. I can smell it just looking at this picture. I am pleased.
Museo Sorolla - Bust and brushes
Ya, I get it. Crowd surveys liked this one better than that
Museo Sorolla - "El primer hijo"
This painting is a water color from 1890. The subtelty and detail. "The firstborn".
Parroquia de San Fermín de los Navarros
Late 19th century "neo-mujedar" brick facade. With some 20th century garbage nerds will know.
Gas Madrid
This was in a doorway, I don't know what it was for, if it was a shutoff or an old outlet....
Banco de Espana
Wonderful modernist facade....the moden head from another photo is on this building.
Neo-classical replacement
The keystone looks to be a 1930s style modernist replacement.....
Warm sun on Calle de Moratin
When the sun did finally appear after days of grey and was glorious and rich, thick and buttery..
Flamenco triptych
Composited from three shots, we went to a Flamenco show. I decided to shoot and see what I got.