Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
My niece at Hannukah
Just trying to learn to photograph people. This is Lily Grace not even one .
Garden sculptures in the snow
Our friend E. Chadis’ garden cat keeping watch in the snow.
Home on Melville Ave in a light snow
I dunno, I like the houses geometry, similar shapes with the varying colors.
Shadows of spring
A leafless plant cast a shadow in the snow, like it is a shadow of the plant before and to come.
Dominique Chouteau skiing Vail
Dominique Chouteau at the top of Vail
Challenging shot due to the overcast light. I think she looks good and well lit….
Chris Olsson teleturn
Action shot, very crisp, excellent light and color.
Trout fishing on the Eagle River
Just in Avon, CO.
Bright vivid color, crisp detail. That old X-E3 with my XF35mm2….
Flamingoes flocking
Yellow flowers in the sun
Pretty hard to not get a nice shot with that light.
Some kind of heather
I like it, yeah, its a throw away easy shot
Toy table on Allston St
This guys sets up a table of toys on the sidewalk in front of his home on Allston St on random days. I thought it made a nice composition with Dominique in the background
Gentle Hermione the Rose
This was the first (and so far, only) expensive rose bush we ordered. She arrived tiny and is now a few years old and puts out gorgeous buds with a delicate bouquet
Nénuphars en fleurs
Some much more mystical sounding than Lily pad….allandale farm pond July 2023…Fuji X-E3, XF35mmF2
Grasses and gas valve
I liked the splay of the grass on the rusty gas valve with the worn wood boards in the background. Desaturated in LR. Allandale Farm July 2023…Fuji X-E3, XF35mmF2
Flowers and pond
Farm flowers in foreground, pond with blooming lily pads in background at Allandale Farm July 2023…Fuji X-E3, XF35mmF2
View through the stable...
I thought the view thru the stable might work as a composition. July 2023…Fuji X-E3, XF35mmF2