Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
Yellow rose in October snow
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. Minimal manipulation in post processing.
Red maple leaves in the snow
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. Minimal manipulation in post processing. In this one I was trying to get the groups lined up but only the middle one in focus.
Snow dappled leaves
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. Minimal manipulation in post processing. This is right on the front porch as it came off the camera with just basic RAW processing and then of course JPG compression for web output.
Bright fall colors dusted with snow
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. This is not as vibrant as I would have like, I guess a filter might have helped, had real trouble with the lighting. Human eye made this so appealing, the iPhone not at all, at least the Fuji X-T4 does it some justice.
Visitor on the porch
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. This is the snow encrusted Joe Py weed which hits 12’ easy every year. Dominique leaves the dried stalks and heads up for along time to nourish the insects. This early snow was wet and heavy and I wanted to capture the head in focus with the stalk curving off into a blurred background. Took some light masking and playing to correct the light balance.
Frosted mums in the urn
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. This iron urn hosts a rotating flower based on the season. Not as open a picture light wise as I would like but I needed to get back in the house!
Park statue in the snow
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. The park we live on (Wellesley Park) has some large statues and urns thanks to a persistent neighbor. I thought this shot would be easy, turns out, even with a tight crop, it was less successful than I wanted. Snow shooting is REALLY tough. I guess some lessons are in order.
Snowy branches at Vinson
Storm Zeta hit Boston with more snow than expected. Decided to tromp around and take some pictures with the new X-T4 and the trusty 18-55mm lens. A perennial favorite of mine shooting myriad branches, I am still hard pressed to get it right. The snow makes it so appealing, and in this I was trying to line up the Vinson street sign as some background. I think the focus sharpness on the snow is decent……
Riding with my Dad and Dominique in Cohasset
It has been a long time since I rode with my Dad, before his hip replacement. I was on my way to downhill at Highland Mountain when he texted me on one a late autumn Sunday, looking to see if Dominique and I would like to do his South Shore loop and then have lunch. Turned around and swapped the downhill bike for my Evil hardtail and a dude named Steve for a wife named Dominique and we were off to ride. Almost every shot I took stank, I was using my Fuji X-E3 with the 27MM lens- ok for static city shots but not a sporty fast shooter…..
Wellesley Park Queen Anne with heron statue
Neighbor Ike and Tom’s Queen Anne, a little out of focus because my hands were numb and eyes watering from the cold!
Dominique molesting the heron statue.... again.....
Wheelbarrow in the snow, detail
I like the perspective of the handles in this tight aperture shot. The pumpkin is in focus, everything else softly and swiftly out of focus..
Wheelbarrow and bench in the snow, Park & Wellesley Park
I like the pumpkin sticking out. Neighbor Nick makes found object arrangements in his yard and gardens…..
Rénovation Husbands live here! Shingle Style
Park and Waldeck, being revived by two h7sbandsnwhomdo all 5e work themselves. Follow them on Instagram….
Dried hydrangea, snow covered , detail
Tremlett Park during winter storm “Gail”, December 2020
Tree fruit capped with snow against luminous sky, closeup,
Tremlett Park Queen Anne
Truly massive home with a gorgeous metal roofed tower, recently visible after large adjacent trees were removed
Melville Ave NeoClassic
Alone on Melville Ave is this example of a more formal neoclassical almost federal or Georgian style?
Melville Ave Baroque
A personal favorite of Dominique’s , the thistle inspired our own , the proportions of this home are near perfect.
Allston & Melville Victorian
Dry stack rock retaining wall, Allston & Melville,detail
Fire hydrant emerging from snow
Red berries with snow
No light here!
Sun poking through heavy cloud makes for a slight visual pun…..
Blue bikes kiosk at Shawmut MBTA
Snowy fence, detail
Snow piled on top of fence posts sculpted by wind. Heavy edit and crop..
Decker railing covered in snow
Nixon St railing caked in snow from the nor’easter winds
Mather St high American Gothic
Serene, the black white set off by the snow and grey sky. One of a pair we call the Mather St Sisters..
Reindeer frolicking in the snow, detail
Holiday display topped with fresh snow, Mather St.
Mather St farmhouse
A proper farmhouse in the heart of the neighborhood.
Centervale bungalow
A favorite home, it photographs nicely in the snow
Upland Ave home
Friends home on upland, difficult to photograph because of the trees.
Our home after December 2020 blizzard “Gail”
What punny name for a winter storm!
Twigs poking through fresh snow
Mather St door in warm winter sun
Blue sky through snow line tree limbs
Snow pillows on concrete wall stones
Warm winter sun on tree branches
Sunsetting through trees on Melville Ave
Wind sculpted snow, detail on chain link fence
Wind sculpted snow, detail on chain link fence
Black park urn, white snow
John F Kennedy Federal Building, from Boston Public Market garage
Trying for the perspective shot. A certain someone is getting her citizenship in their at that moment….Shot on X-T4, developed in LightRoom CC,
Zakim Bridge, looking Northbound from Causeway St.
Wanted a centered shot, on cold winter day in January 2021. Cropped and manipulated to dramatize the pylons and the sky. Shot on X-T4, developed in Lightroom CC.
Lock gate gear, detail, Colone Richard Gridley Locks
I like the shape and rust, and the light and shadow falling onto the massive gear. Shot on X-T4, developed in Lightroom CC.
Zakim reflections and shadows on ice floes
Shot from the Colonel Richard Gridley Locks, the shadows of the Zakim cables falls across the ice floes. Reflected in the water as well are the suppor cables. Shot on X-T4, developed in LightroomCC
Trains and bridge trio, Colonel Richard Gridley Locks
Shot of the deck of the Zakim, the North Bank Pedestrian Bridge (middle right) and the North Station RR bascule bridge with MBTA commuter rail crossing. This trio is inspired by Dominique who took the shot from the other side at North Point Playground. Shot on X-T4 and developed in LightroomCC.
Zakim Bridge, black and white, from Lovejoy Wharf
How do think this treatment came out? Unique shots of the Zakim are impossible to come by, it is so photogenic, but getting a unique angle or perspective is challenging as most of the approaches are active highways! Shot from the Lovejoy Wharf MBTA ferry terminal raised platform, on my Fuji X-T4, developed in Lightroom CC.
Light traces
A complete mistake. But I like it.
Where is the wardrobe?
Are we in Narnia? Gas lamps? No, Wellesley Park. On neighborhood, Feb 2021 as we trudge to the local watering hole through a small blizzard. Old montreal habits….well, actually, we never walked around in Montreal in blizzards, we kind of took it up as a thing when we moved to Boston, said “We are ex-Montrealers, this is nothing like a real Canadian blizzard!” and decided to head out from Elm Street in Brookline one cold night for a stroll through Brookline Village….
Easter egg lights....Ashmont Grill
Hanging out in the COVID Cabana outback at the Ashmont Grill. I am happy because this shot was exactly as I intended. Tight focus on the near globes, loose/almost bokeh (well, some day, when I get a better zoom lens) for the rest. I like the tight depth of field. And the in camera stabilization of the X-T4 was solid.
"Eat Electric", with Wife and iPhone
The COVID cabana, this time I was trying to shoot thru the glass windows (actually recycled storm windows, amazing creation by the Ashmont Grill’s Chris) - miss Chouteau hates having her likeness capture in pixels…..this one is not unflattering?
Tree of Light
I took a lot of shots of the snow laden trees with lighting underneath and behind them…..this is NOT my favorite but Ms Chouteau liked it and I did some minimal treatment (mainly vignette to push the attention towards the light under the tree).
Ashmont Grill, sign with lamp
I like this shot, mainly because it was very hard to take (for me) - the snow was blinding and I had a drink (or two) on board. I got most of what I intended - tight depth of focus, sharp focus on the sign, soft focus of the snow and the tree in the foreground. Could not line up the lamppost and any other letter without the tree limbs blocking most of the shot….
T 215 bustling through the snow
I tried an off the cuff no focus shot of the 215 bus rushing by as we walked home down Dorchester Ave during the snow (feb 2021). Dominique says “meh”. I dunno, I put it back in the line up….I kind of like it.
Joseph and Mary Snow
For a relapsed catholic, I do like my saints and virgins covered in snow…..this pair is outside the St Marks church on Dorchester Ave.
Snow and granite pillars, Shawmut MBTA, Dorchester, Feb 2021
This style shot is something I attempt a lot, and yes, my three readers (well, reading? maybe viewers at least) I have bored and tormented you many times with my tight depth of field shots of snow on top of some object. Here I give you four granite pillars, outside the Shawmut MBTA Redline station.
A hole through a hole
I like the form and texture of the massive black metal piece with the rusty flange hole. It was shot through the chain link fence using my X-E3, 27mm fixed lens. MBTA Red Line Yard, South Boston
New beginnings
A detail of one the massive support columns being placed around the tracks at South Station for the new tower going up over the station and the tracks. I like the rust, and the bolts of course. Fuji X-E3, 27mm fixed lens.
Iron faces
I guess this is vertically mounted rail car hookup, in the South Station terminal. Looks like a face to me but then 30% of my visual cortex is dedicated to facial recognition……Now if I could remember their name……
Twisted iron window grill detail
The twist of the iron and the sweep of the street…..Melcher Street in Fort Channel district of Boston (where does the Seaport end and Fort Point begin)……
Looking through the stairs....
I guess its a rusty metal theme….Looking through staircase between Summer St and A St.
Birds, razor wire, and Little Jack Horner
Does this work? Heavily edited to bring the birds out from the gloom of the overcast sky….
Beams and cranes are sexy
South Station under construction, I could not get good shots of the crane, I had a fixed lens and I still have trouble adjusting for shooting straight up into the overcast sky…..
Rusty old pump housing
This was hanging out abandoned on the street outside the welding shop across from the Gillette factory in South Boston. Slightly enhanced :-0 I of course like the patina and the shape and the stamped lettering and those sexy sexy Hex head bolts.
Architectural detail, Summer St, Menton
Swirly architectural detail that adorns the building Menton is In on Summer St. This unfortunately is compressed JPEG because the full one was huge (21MB) which SQUARESPACE limits to 20MB. Most of you won’t notice any difference since you are most likely looking at this on a telephone screen and not a large monitor…..
Allendale Farm
A visit to Allendale Farm in the early spring of 2021. I forget this guy’s name but he and his brother are fixtures at the farm.
Blue on blue
Blue blue blue. I kind of liked it…..heavy edit to remove the darn price stickers :-)
Posing Pansies
At least I think they are pansies…..I think the tight focus and color popped
Dominique amongst the herbs at Allandale
Yellow flower, closeup
A close up of a flower I am supposed to the know the name of…..its yellow? Hanging at the entrance to the Allandale store waiting for COVID capacity constraints to allow us in….oh 2021 how I hate you.
Junk and Propane
A perennial favorite of mine, it is a difficult one to shoot. This was a late September day when the light was glorious and the sky dramatic. This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
Lamp posts and John Hancock Clarendon
Did this come though? The reflection and drama of the sky on the glass? The change line up of the street lamp posts and the tower?
This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
Fort Point Channel, late September
I love the light, the multiple shot bracket really helps get the range of light and color as opposed to a single shot….More like my eye saw the scene than what the camera actually sees. This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
World Shaving, Gillette factory, Fort Point Channel
I liked the sheen and glimmer of the letters in the late day autumn light. And the Skys and the brick warmed up by the low angle sun. This was enhanced a bit (letters only) to make that shimmer pop.. This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
Gillette silos, Fort Point Channel
Because I tarried and took an early shot, I missed the head on shot (this one) in the glorious low angle sun breaking through the late September clouds. I caught that light in the oblique view but missed it by literally a minute running to shoot this head on….I want to do a golden hour to evening shoot at the plant with tripods sometime soon with the great winter light. Some burnishing of the silos in post processing. This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
Gillete silos, oblique, fading sun
Second shot taken when the sun peeked through the clouds again….. This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
Mass DOT Vent Building on the Fort Point Channel
Not as successful as I wanted, framing the vent building (I have been in there, we worked on it in 2019) with the reflection and the buoys. Masking to bring the sky down to acceptable levels. This is a five shot AE bracket with 1-1/3 stop spacing merged in Lightroom, shot on my Fuji X-T4 with XF35mmF2.
Blue hour, September, Summer St.
A single shot blue hour…..from the middle of the street between stop lights…..not as focussed as it should be and the ISO is grainy……..I had to stop in the middle of the street and block turning traffic….X-T4 with the XF35mmF2
Somerville "Fried Clams / Coke / Pizza"
A sign, yes, pedestrian, yes, it’s been a tough week for nice photos. This is a another synthetic photo, AE bracket, 7 shots, 1-1/3 stops per shot. X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & LRC post.
Central Square, Street Musicians
Just a quick shot of some musicians as we crossed Mass Ave in Central Square one day on our way to Artisan and Craftsman. Single shot from X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & LRC post.
King Seal, ruler of the Artisan & Craftsman cash register
I was bored and tried my old trick of tightly shot small vignettes while Dominique shopped for artist supplies. Single shot X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & LRC post.
Seagull swarm at Carson Beach , B&W version
I took a walk from Dorchester to downtown Boston on an overcast day to meet Dominique after her USK Boston Sunday sketching at City Hall Plaza. Not many good shots from the day, since the light was horrible. A couple of kids were throwing bread into the air, making the seagulls swarm, so I tried to switch from my (failed) focus bracket trials to some high speed shots. Better than usual using the Fuji autofocus but stilll….Single shot, X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens, heavy Adobe PS and LRC post processing to recover something…..Dominique requested B&W and then more contrast, I couldn’t get the request #2 accommodated..
Seagulls swarming at Carson Beach, color version
Color version, heavily processed in Photoshop and Lightroom. X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens, PS and LRC post. I like it better than the B&W. But all the shots that day were bleh from the overcast…..
Seagulls fighting, Carson Beach, detail
Detail, super zoomed, seagulls fighting on Carson Beach in Boston for scraps of bread. The off shore breeze let them hang in the air, scrambling and squabbling, X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & LRC post, maybe some PS for sky…
Seagulls hanging in the breeze, Carson Beach
Full scene of the seagulls hanging in the breeze at the beach, as this kid through bread to them. Heavy post processing, I like Photoshop “Select Sky”, easier than masking my Skys but then I had to do separate layers for Levels, Contrast and added a Photo Filter in Blue to recolor the sky from the leaden gray. X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & PS & LRC post.
Carson Beach, Boston octagon
This is NOT a good photo but an attempt to rescue something from a lousy light day……Seven AE bracket shots, 1-1/3 stops apart, X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & PS and LRC post. I like the rust and the paint but close up the synthetic blending errors are horrible.
Skateboarder, Downtown Crossing, Boston
Waiting for my Dominique outside her Mecca of DSW….some skateboarders were repeatedly trying tricks in front of me so I HAD to take out the camera. Should have been closer for most of the shots, hence, why you will never see them, but this one was okay. X-T4 with XF35mmF2 lens & LRC post.
Christmas Lobster Trap Tree
Coastal view of cliff walk
Not a really great picture, hand held AE bracket merged in Lightroom HDR and then cleaned with Topaz AI
Normal houses on the cliff walk
There were a lot of gaudy over stuffed with gables and hideous Pallatine windows on the cliff walk. This was a view with a refreshing normalcy.
Driftwood, detail
Wind warped tree framing elegant blond
Lighthouse with Ms Chouteau
Another heavy edit to recover some color and push Ms Chouteau and the lighthouse out of the grey. sky and water
Rose berry, detail
Moderately successful, composition is not great, the berry is nice and prominent with blurred out background. I had to rely on focus cleaning with Topaz, I really am having trouble with manual focus with my cheaper 18-55 zoom….trying all sorts of modes but I wonder if Santa is bringing me that new fuji lens I asked for…..
Ocean side cliff bonsai
Really tough to make that bonsai like bush pop from the rocks….
Driftwood branch, detail
I like this one actually.
Clear water, driftwood, and colorful pebbles
Shot from high on the cliff, I liked the water, the log, the pebbles, larger than pebbles, the French word <<galets>> is a better description. 5 frame AE bracket merged in LR HDR.
Metamorphic rock, detail
We really like the panels installed on the walk detailing not just the few hundred year European use or few thousand year Native American history in the area but the geology of the area. Hundreds of millions of years ago, New England was a splinter of the proto-African continent that floated across the narrow pre-Atlantic ocean and merged with the ancient mass that became North America. Ancient volcanic activity, from different eras, dating back many hundred of millions of years, evidenced in the multiple light and dark basalt layers, occasional basalt columns and intrusions of variously huge granites.
Metamorphic start rising from the water
Most striking are the twisted and folded metamorphic rocks along the shore. Hundreds of millions of years of depositing, squeezing, and folding from the pressure of the mid-Atlantic rift pushing the open open, all so a recently evolved organism can gaze for a few moments at the stony remains of distant ancestors who dwelt and died in a shallow precambrian sea.