Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
Anchors in B&W
A trip to Gas Light Park, COVID, Saturday, what could be the problem? MOBBED! Parking a short walk away, we got to walk the waterfront and see cool stuff like piles of anchors.
Flowers & Submersible #1
#1 or #1. Some people like #1 and some like #2. I know they look similar but the light and color is different on the flowers and the sub and the angle as well……details.
Flowers and Submersible #2
#2 I like the color and angle and crop better but maybe the submersible is not so great???
Floating dry dock
I think this is lake union, and I have never seen a floating dry dock before, too bad we couldn’t trespass and get closer for better angles and closeups….
Seattle from Gas Works Park
A throw away scene of people I do not know but I kind of liked it and its a documentary shot that I was there….for anyone who cares in the great internet future when they exhume my photos from pixel hell and I get that great gallery showing in some virtual rebirth a la PK Dick/ Ubik meets Gibson / Neuromancer…..
Dominique, a hat, a brisk wind and Gas Works Park
I think I said it all. Dominique, one of her nice Stetsons, in a brisk wind at Gas Works Park in Seattle…..
Gas Works Park detail
Nothing but blue.....
The widest view I was going to get that day of Gas Works Park, yea, I did play the colors and try to correct the noon day sun washing out the sky….maybe I am over compensating for something….I usually am :-)
Once upon a Western....
Once upon a Western, a mask and a Stetson…..was a villain….well, here its just a stylish lady and COVID masks in Gas Works Park in Seattle..
Is this the one.....
Is this the one…Sonja gave a picture painted by a local artist in Seattle of the gas works….like she gave it to us almost 10 years ago on our last trip to Seattle….and we forgot it there…..and they forgot to bring it to us in London….so we THINK this is the angle the artist used in the painting, which YOU, the only person to read this far, will NOT see unless I invite you to my house or post a photo of it and then the internet will know the wonders that are my PIXELS. Just mine, not yours.
Meh, some place with a tower
Throw away tourist pic
Non, pas de photo, encore....
I have a picture of her MOTHER that her FATHER took with the SAME look of disdain….that one was called “Non, pas de photo….”
Stetson's Ahoy!
At least this tourist shot has somebody you care about, oh Internet readers! Stetsons! Boats! Are you not entertained?!??!!
We're Jammin'
No idea who these guys were but they were jamming’ in Gas Works Park…..
Artsy Photo #4
Low angle tight apeture shot trying to get the teensy cutesy flowers with the gas works structures fuzzed out in the background….my back does NOT like getting that low to the ground….
I'm a little teapot.....
No, not really but it IS integrated into the portion of the Gas Works Park turned over to those little cretin’s also known as children. It was a throw away photo until the treatments elicited a mumble from my pre-reviewer, her of the Stetson……
The 19th century is alive.......
Rivets, bolts, chunky metal stuff and a tight aperture… black and white treatment…..other previewers of this photo seemed to think it was interesting……
Fetishism #1
I have a thing for sewer covers…..turns out, there is a whole instagram interwebz thing as well about sewer covers…..
Defund Line 3
I have no idea what Line 3 is, why it should be defunded or why these graphic artists put so much energy into these posters, but I can say from a purely Bougy perspective that is moi, I thought they were cute
Concrete I-ching
I like this one, it appealed before the massive amount of treatment I did in Lightroom, precisely the thing I wanted was the concrete pieces cantilevered on each other….and yes, you at the back of the internet, I realize there is another Defund Line 3 poster that if I was MORE diligent and exacting, I would have SCRAPPED this P.O.S and made sure I left the poster in ULTRA-COLOUR oversaturated glory, offset with the black and white…….but man, I already take WAY took much time to edit my photos….
I can see Kansas......
Not really, and I actually grew to like this photo, yes, the color is a bit overcorrected and garish (that green…..) but the shapes lined up quite nicely and someone who just happens to live with me and wears a Stetson BUT is actually kind of a real artist type person drawer type….she liked the composition too.
Mech-Red-o-saur devours yellow flowers!
As I write this I am TIRED…..fresh out of quality snarkiness…… time for dinner…..A large red marine crane behind the yellow flowers whose name I am sure my wife knows….
Houseboats under Fremont Bridge
Floating houseboats, quite chi-chi, under the Fremont Bridge
Fremont Bridge span detail
I can see the whole city....or I've been framed!
Not really…..Dominque taking advantage of a tourist distraction for her pleasure and amusement. Under the Fremont bridge
What if the Tardis decided to retire and be a bridge in Fremont?
Dr Who is doesn’t know but the Tardis will retire someday and become a quiet bridge in Fremont, but only after Marvin the Paranoid Android’s 48th time through the entire universe.
Cheating in black and white somewhere in Fremont
Whenever I shoot an industrial or other scene and the color or something doesn’t quite work, I drop it into B&W because that makes it all better.
It's that over here....I going this way.....
Dominique, Sonia, and Samuel during our visit to Seattle May 2021. Here we are in a street off the main drag in Columbia City, headed to a gallery featuring some work by an artist Sonja an example of which Sonja had purchased for us years ago....We finally came (back) to Seattle and its back in Boston/Dorchester…..
Columbia City alliums
Dominique in the background with her Stetson and Min/Mon bag, foreground is some alliums on a corner in Columbia City. May 2021.
Hydrant and Flowers
Sounds like a Skinny Puppy song from the 80s (actually, Stairs and Flowers was one of there songs. Seattle hydrants, this one in the clutch of alliums in Columbia City, May 2021.
Worm etchings, natural wood
A piece of wood, really a branch, that has been etched by worms or some boring (not uninteresting, tunneling) insect where the branch has been sectioned into thin sheets exposing the tracings within. By Suze Woolf, at Columbia City Gallery. May 2021.
Ju-eun Shin "202103 Underwater GB-D"
Work at the Columbia City Gallery, May 2021
Ju-eun Shin "202103 Underwater GB-D" credit
Credit for the work, at Columbia City Gallery May 2021
Multiple works, Columbia City Gallery
It amused me to try and photograph the collection.
Death Stare!
Dominique does not like surprises and even less, being photographed! May 2021
Tiles works, Columbia City Gallery, Seattle, May 2021
Casting my pixels to the inter webs, maybe someday this pic will be archived on a vat of bio-goo in a Arcturan clone vat. May 2021.
It's lonely up here....
Or should I title this illuminating? I had a WHOLE THING FOR THIS and square space and apple conspired to lose it! I mean, something about will these pixels survive the heat death of the universe, or at least, the reddening bloat of Sol???? Maybe WHO CARES, or, shit, am I running in simulation and …….. I should be nicer now….because the future is vindictive…..shit I am so mad I lost that nice riff…..May 2021, Columbia City Gallery, listening to Blue Spiral
Star Clock on cafe wall, Geraldine's, Columbia City, Seattle, May 2021
There, I said it all. Not really. It was a Friday unlike any Friday, it was cool, well, it was Seattle. A detail from Geraldine’s in Columbia City while I was queuing to get a cocktail and sandwich order for the group. Mid Mod, except, if, again, this is in simulation, Mid of what Mod? Context and reference. Is intelligence mutually intelligible across such divides as chemistry? a few billion years? what if we share a neural architectural, a biology, what about language? referents?
Flowers at the front door
Blooming a Sonja and Gino’s front door in Redmond plateau
Lord of the savannah
Sonja and Gino’s cat out in their front yard
Orange and purple flowers
Not quite focussed, cute flowers on the side of the road as we went for a walk around Redmond plateau
Tree roots in Black and White
Trying to save a photo that did not live up to my expectations.
Moss and post boxes, Redmond
I liked the moss on the roof over the post boxes, out on a walk around Redmond plateau
Moss in the woods
Moss grew with vigor in the woods around Sonja and Gino’s, it coated everything.
Light through the trees
Light pouring through the tree canopy in the Redmond plateau.
Mushroom detail
Mushroom detail, larger group
Ferns unfurling in the sunlight
I wonder if this works as a photo?
Puget Sound
Very overcast day, so my water and sky treatments are wonky. But what I really wanted to notice was….NO HIGHWAY! The last time we were in Seattle the horrid highway blocked the view! Now its GONE, a tunnel in its place…..
Navigation beacon
I liked this beacon the first time I saw it oh ten or more years ago….
Pier railing, detail, steering wheel
Heavy treatmentment to lift the light and color of the cement and the steering wheel.
Father and Son, 2005, Louis Bourgeois
Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, May 2021
Jaume Plensa Echo, 2011, Olympic Sculpture Park (rear view)
Giant head at the olympic sculpture park.
Alexander Calder The Eagle, 1971, Olympic Sculpture Park
Mark di Suvero Bunyon’s Chess, 1965, Olympic Sculpture Park
Homage to a logging past
Benaroya Path, Olympic Sculpture Park
Richard Serra, Wake, 2004. Olympic Sculpture Park
Richard Serra, Wake, 2004. Olympic Sculpture Park
Dominique and Sonja amongst the massive steel sculpture
Richard Serra, Wake, 2004. Olympic Sculpture Park
Richard Serra, Wake, 2004. Olympic Sculpture Park
Viewed from the Gates Amphitheater
Roxy Paine Split, 2003, Olympic Sculpture Park
Chiluly Museum
Not sure what this was called, I think we saw this at an MFA Boston installation a few years ago…..This was immense, no way to get it all without multiple shots or a super wide lens….
Bleu, Blanc, Rouge - Vive la France!
No, that is just what I made up for this one. I did a few angles. This photo sets the scene of how large the room was. These sculptures are suspended from the ceiling and large than a human.
Cthulu Blue
Our eldritch masters frozen in glass…..
Hi, its me, Cthulu Blue, yeah I know, me again....
It was due to the blue one hanging away from the walls that you could rotate around it and frame different shots….the other ones were too close to the walls to get behind them……at least with the telephoto lens I had with me….
My favorite from the Cthulu Blues
I just like the crispness of the blue glass and the bokeh of the white glass……I am happy with this one.
The Ark
Again, my name for it, we definitely saw this one in Boston MFA, it is iconic. For the photo nerds like me, I DID NOTHING TO THIS PHOTO. Except the RAW to JPG conversion and export to JPG for Squarespace (no deep color, no JPG2000, no nothing and nothing bigger than 20MB, f*cking pain and I am too lazy to move all this stuff somewhere else)
Tina Turner's wig
No, not really the name of it, but hey, WHO IS EVEN READING THIS? Shot from below, I had some difficulty with the focus since I WAS UPSIDE DOWN ON MY BACK IN THE DARK. There, I said it, the struggle is real folks. And…..there goes my site down in flames…..
Probiscus #2
They built a fucking church for a giant glass sculpture....
Not really, but this entire greenhouse inspired structure was purpose built the Chiluly to build this sculpture. The spiraling and the immensity. Quite over the top. Technically, this was a pain to recover in post-processing, I had no way to get a better angle and the sun was overhead….horrible lighting conditions.
Greenhouse detail
Space needle and Chiluly greenhouse boa…….Again, super manipulated as the sky beyond the glass was whited out……
Maroon...ed behind a Space Needle
Not the best shot, but the pairing of the rhododendron color with the sculpture color married with the verticality of the Space Needle and the sculpture……
Some rando's hanging out by the space needle
No, left to right, Sonja in plaid with hate, Gino with backpack and Ms Chouteau with Stetson and blond mane.
When I grow up I will be a big fern too!
Baby fern unfurling at the base of the Space Needle, fronds uncurling towards the same sun. Are they pulled to the sky by the sun against the warped spacetime at the core of the earth?
No, it would be if I had lined it up better but getting a stationary shot of Ms Chouteau at Chiluly glass musuem is like photographing a 3 year old at the lego store after a few too many Freeze Pops……
Running around in circles......
I tried some action shooting, did I get her?
Greenhouse and Medusa Hair
No idea what the hell the exhibits were called…..I wish I had framed this one better, I couldn’t crop into obedience….unlike a bad jockey at the Derby…..yeah, I know, Dad jokes…..the best….
Fronds unfurling......
The fronds really went well with the black glass in the back but I couldn’t get everything in focus (wrong aperture) and light metering was off……argh… much to learn.
International Trailer with Orange Tentacles
My favorite shot that was not a Chiluly piece solely…..Steel and masonite, orange glass tentacles….I really like the handle with vibrant reflection on the middle right…….Very happy. I think I will print this one.
A hallway with some glass art
Throw away shot but it is documentary and since I don’t post this crap or stuff, indulge me a few persona shots of non-photographic interest…..
Dominique in the art trees
Beyond stupid levels of photo manipulation were required to rescue this disaster of a shot….but we don’t just take photos for aesthetic sometimes we also are tourists in our own lives….
Belltown Sign
Meh….was an attempt…
Tourist Seattle Shot #22.b
So? What? At least the color and focus are good and the comp is decent……yeah, so we are gonna pollute the cosmos some day with our atomic backups of all the damn pixels and words that ALL LOOK THE SAME. Imaging running a lossy compression on the datasphere that is the human photoblogging sphere?????? NOT MUCH LOST I would wager…..
Loback MEAT Co...Quality Always!
I dunno, I like this one, plus my wife’s current favorite hat made it through the crop……