Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..
"The Adoration of the Magi", Sandro Botticelli 1478/1482
The blue is stunning
Lincoln Memorial
Washington reflects on Vietnam...
Cousin Richard Seibert on the Vietnam War Memorial Wall
"Sunflowers in autumn", Frank Big Bear, 2007
National Gallery, Native American Exposition
"Modern Day Indian" - Star WallowingBull, 2004
National Gallery, Native American Exposition
"O Cursed Lust of Gold 6" - Andrea Carlson, 2014
National Gallery, Native American Exposition
"You found me, you should've never lost me" - George Alexander, 2022
National Gallery, Native American Exposition
"Donna che indica ('She who points')" - Michelangelo Pistoletto, 1983
National Gallery
"Guitar Plater" - Jacques Lipchitz, 1918
This statue is the first time I feel I could see what cubism could mean.
"Harbor" - Georges Braque, 1090
Amazing to put this cubist work next to the not so distant impressionism…..Braque was studying with Picasso I believe, I forget who their mentor was…
"The port of La Ciotat" - Georges Braque, 1907
A completely different style, 2 years earlier than “The Harbor”
"Street of barns" - Lionel Feininger, 1914
An expressive but approachable at least for me cubist painting