ME - 1.jpg

Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..

Confinement March and April 2020

We returned from what may be our last trip for some time. We were in Vail, CO for a ski trip with friends, scheduled well before the COVID-19 was on the radar (though most likely, according to latest reports, when it was silently circulating in Wuhan in November 2019). We actually were reprising a trip that was aborted due to record snow in Denver (we were rerouted to NYC and then decided to drive home - some photos are in this blog which was started around the same time). This time we made it…..but under the pall of the increasingly worrisome and expanding virus. So, we have been in isolation (not quarantine) since March 16 when we returned….and then everyone else joined us a few days later when the governor of Massachusetts declared an emergency… I have been busy, but not with this blog. My cooking blog on instagram has been updated, and I have been wasting….spending many hours composing stupid Covid-19 visual memes to keep Dad humor alive for womankind. See? So, I have been posting these on instagram on my main personal account, but added page to collect them all, why not???? I know, Rima, I should be WRITING…..And here are some pretty flower pictures as well from walking around Dorchester……

Glenwood Canyon and Dotsero, Colorado March 2020

Glenwood Canyon and Dotsero, Colorado March 2020

Some local color.....

Some local color.....