ME - 1.jpg

Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..

Experiments in B&W

An old neighborr and friend (Pisti) is helping me with B&W processing. I took a basic shot after skiing Wildcat of Mt Washington looking into the Tuckerman Ravine. Nice light, I thought, so I took an automatic shot off the Fuji for experimenting. Click through to the gallery shots. First up is a basic desaturated in darktable, using the building in monochrome module. Not bad I think. The next image is a blend of a GIMP c2g image over a basic desaturated image using a blending mode called DARKEN/LUMA. The final ( I guess I should post the original and the c2g version as well) is blended in GIMP from the same two layers but using PINLIGHT. Garish!

Let me know thoughts.

New winter shots

Vail shots