ME - 1.jpg

Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..

New photo project

New photo project

I have started a new photo project about the local architecture, 19th century, of the Dorchester homes. Sometimes the whole home, more frequently, a detail like the porch posts or an embellishment like a corbel or a fan detail - many will be of ornementation whose proper architectural name we dont know….Squarespace is proving a bear to edit on the iPad and iPhone - their apps are quite limited and the browser support for iOS safari and chrome is awful…….I will have to link the page properly when I get in front of a computer…. for now, a link to my Dorchester Vernacular gallery via this blog post.

Recycled robot in Davis Square

Recycled robot in Davis Square

New photos - Late winter walk around Boston

New photos - Late winter walk around Boston