ME - 1.jpg

Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..

Sandwich Marsh

Sandwich Marsh

A trip, finally, to Cape Cod for 2020, after Labor Day. We brought our cameras for and had a nice late afternoon walk in September 2020 around the Boardwalk Marsh area, also known as Jarvesville after the constructor of the former glass factory workers homes that form the core of the original community.

i was struggling to remember my shooting modes on the Fuji, must practice more often….but I managed my first legit, intentional bokeh shot. The bokeh shot is the one with the stone portico, the text may hide the light artifact….click on the image to open it without the text…..

Pearl River Mart

Pearl River Mart

Brittany! We made it!

Brittany! We made it!