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Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..

Some Fort Point late summer light

Some Fort Point late summer light

We have been walking a lot more during COVID, and then in Brittany this summer. We have decided to use our “foraging”, aka, food shopping, as a destination. Local stuff rather than insisting on the better markets in South End or other neighborhoods. This evening, a later September day, later in the day with a gorgeous low sun streaming through puffy clouds to create very dramatic skies and tons of low angle light and shadow during a recent walk through Fort Point Channel….to go to Trader Joe’s of all places….for coffee!

New York MoMA and  Kusama's "Cosmic Nature" at the Bronx Botanical Garden

New York MoMA and Kusama's "Cosmic Nature" at the Bronx Botanical Garden

Brittany 2021

Brittany 2021