Back to basics
Hi internet. I decided I am going back in time 15 years to when I had my own website rather than a feed on a mega site. I have parked for ten years now, and will use it and Yes, this is still hosted (Squarespace to start) and yes I rely on their templates since I am too lazy to write HTML/CSS/whatever code anymore. But after ten plus years on FB and a trial period on Instagram, twitter never made sense to me…….I want to no longer be a product to the extent that I can. The social aspect of these sites is gone, they are no longer social, they are purely about people, products, groups seeking to influence - in effect, they are not social platforms where people interact but advertising / promotion / proselytizing platforms. I am not sure why an independent set of websites, as originally envisioned by TBL 30 years ago, has failed or rather, become overshadowed by a few dominant sites. So, while airing everything in public has lost interest to me, some creative outlet would in the public domain will remain. I intend to migrate my photographic conceits and culinary mishaps to these pages over the course of the year. And I will probably have to use those other, central behemoths as advertising or notification - basically, a bulletin board. How ironic.