ME - 1.jpg

Stuff I see……food obessions….rust / decay / rainbow unicorns…. everything else..

Madrid, Spain

Madrid, Spain

We went to stay with friends Rima and Tom (and Edi, Thor and Loki, canine coloc’s) in the their apartment on Calle de Atocha. Centrally located, bars, restaurants galore, near all major galleries - Prado, Thyssen, so on. We walked a lot, and went to a few museums. Drank vemut de grifo. Ate some. Below are the four or five best photos. After are links to galleries of diminishing interest.

Flamenco dancer, in three quick successive frames.

The Royal Palace and the Catedral de la Almudena

Catedral from lower down near the Arab Wall, remains of old mosque.

Sunset on the streets of old Madrid

The gallery below has about 40 photos I rated 3 stars or better.

A gallery for me, more touristy photos.

Brittany 2022

Brittany 2022

Sunrise from my window

Sunrise from my window